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Chane Naal Chanani
(Atta Ullah Khan Esakhelvi)
01 Apna Grahan
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
Balo Batyan
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
Chane Naal Chanani
(Atta Ullah Khan)
Kar Na Sakey Hum
(Atta Ullah Khan)
Khat Likha Te
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
Kithe Gayeon Dil
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
Kiyon Dita Eh Sakoon
(Atta Ullah Khan)
La Lai Te Mundri
(Atta Ullah Khan)
Qameez Teri Kali
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
Ral Milke Khoob
(Atta Ullah Khan)
Sada Ki Eh Duniya De Naal
(Atta Ullah Khan)
Tenu Takna Ni
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
Theva Mundri Da
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
Tumko Shorat Mubarak
(DJ Chino and Atta Ullah Khan)
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