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Download G Noor Top 20 Albums Songs

1. Malang (Noor Chahal)
2. 11 - 12 (Guntaj Dandiwal and G Noor)
3. Akhiyan (G Noor)
4. Boli Jaan De (Sunny Kahlon and G Noor)
5. Beimaan (G Noor)
6. Comedy (Deep Karan and G Noor)
7. Parcha (Jas Grewal and G Noor) [R]
8. Jatt Da Swaad (Devil and G Noor)
9. Kanpur Wale (Jagmeet Bhullar and G Noor)
10. Akh Laal (Sonu Bajwa and G Noor)
11. Same Here (Sunny Kahlon and G Noor) [R]
G Noor top 20 albums songs download, G Noor albums top song, G Noor all best mp3 download, G Noor latest albums 2024 , 20 top songs of G Noor.

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