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Ring Ceremony (Monty Singh)
Royal Swag Anthem (JSL Singh, Ninja, Dilpreet Dhillon and others...)
Sachi Muchi (Bunty Bhullar and Navi Kaur)
Sanam (Sumit Baisoya and Bunty Kasana)
Sandli Haasa (Jordan Sandhu) [R] [V]
Sardar (Deep Dhillon) [R] [V]
Sardar Banda (Deep Dhillon)
Sarpanchi (Bunty Bosar)
Satya (Bunty King Haryana)
Sau Putt (Preet Sandhu) [R]
Sharab (Sabar Koti) [R]
Shaukeen Jatti (Salina Shelly)
Shyani (Anjali Raghav and Bunty)
Sift Babe Nanak Di (Bunty Bhullar) [R]
Siftan (Bunty Numberdar) [V]
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